Foreign citizens, including compatriots abroad, and also stateless persons (further – foreign citizens) are accepted in Vernadsky Crimean federal university for training on bachelor degree, specialist and master programmes:
– according to international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or the education quota established by the Government of the Russian Federation at the expense of facilities of the relevant budget of the Russian Federation budgetary system;
– at the expense of facilities of individuals and/or legal entities according to contracts on rendering paid educational services;
Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons for training at the expense of appropriate budget of the Russian Federation budgetary system is carried out:
– within the quota of foreign citizens education, in the fields that are given out by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation;
– on a competitive basis:
– according to intergovernmental agreements for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan;
– on the basis of the certificate of the participant of the State program on rendering assistance to voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of the compatriots who live abroad, became participants of the State program on rendering assistance to voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of the compatriots living abroad (The decree of the Russian President of 22.06.2006 No. 637);
– according to the Federal law of 24.05.1999 No. 99-FZ “About a state policy of the Russian Federation concerning compatriots abroad”.
Recognition and identification of documents equivalence of the foreign states on education don’t acquit owners of the specified documents from compliance of the general requirements for admission in CFU, including from a condition of knowledge of Russian language.
Admission of foreign citizens and stateless persons on training in CFU according to the lists of educational programs containing the data which are the state secret is carried out only within a quota of education of foreign citizens with compliance of the requirements provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret.
Foreign citizens applying for bachelor degree provide nationally recognized document on general secondary education or on secondary vocational education, or a document of foreign state about education, equaled to general secondary education or to secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation.
Foreign citizens applying for master degree should have bachelor’s diploma or diploma of higher education or a document of foreign state about education equaled to bachelor’s diploma or diploma of higher education in the Russian Federation.
Filing an application (in Russian) for admission in CFU, a foreign citizen provides the following documents:
– copy of identification document of an applicant or identification document of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation according to the Article 10 of the Federal of 25 July 2002 № 115-ФЗ “About a legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation”;
– the original of nationally recognized document on education (or its stamped and signed copy), or the original of a document on education equaled to the nationally recognized document about education (or its stamped and signed copy) in the Russian Federation with the equivalence certificate (if necessary), or the original of a document on education of the foreign state duly legalized (if necessary) and annexes to it (if the last is provided by the legislation of the state in which such document on education is issued);
– the translation into Russian of the document on education of the foreign state stamped and signed according to the established procedure and Annex to it (if the last is provided by the legislation of the state in which such document on education is issued);
– the copies of the documents or other evidences proving that the compatriot living abroad belongs to the groups provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law № 99-FZ, or in accordance with the State program for assisting the voluntary resettlement to the Russian Federation of compatriots living abroad (Presidential Decree of 22.06.2006, № 637);
– copy of entry visa to the Russian Federation, if the foreign citizen arrived to the Russian Federation with entry visa;
– the original and copy of health certificate of absence of the diseases specified in the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 2, 2003 No. 188;
– the voluntary medical insurance, valid on the territory of the Russian Federation according to the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 9 June 2003 г. No. 335;
– 6 photos 3х4 with right cornerpiece.
All the translations into Russian should be made according to name and surname indicated in entry visa.
Foreign citizens applying within the quota specified by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25 August 2008 No. 638 “About cooperation with foreign countries in the field of education” provide the reference of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Admission for bachelor’s programme of foreign citizens of CFU for student spaces within the framework of the Comprehensive Target Program is carried out on the basis of results of entrance tests on the appropriate general education subjects and in the form defined in sections 4 and 5 of the present Regulations.
For individuals from foreign countries applying for bachelor and specialist degree on student spaces under contracts on rendering paid educational services it is possible to carry out entrance tests in the form of interview in two general education subjects specified in the Annex to Admission Regulations at the choice of the applicant.
Foreign citizens having the right for education at the expense of appropriate budget and being the prizewinners of the Final stage of Russian national competitionamong school children are admitted to the University without any entrance tests on majors, corresponding to a profile of the Russian national competitionamong school children.
The results of prizewinners of the Final stage of Russian national competitionamong school children are recognized by University as the highest results of entrance tests (“100”) on the general education subjects on the majors which aren’t corresponding to an Olympic Games profile.
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Foreign citizens who are the prizewinners of the Olympic Games among schoolchildren are accepted at educational institutions in the order approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 22, 2007 No. 285.
Foreign citizens pass three entrance tests listed in the Annex 1 to the present Regulations. The minimum grade for foreign citizens to participate in competition is 50 in each subject.
Foreign students applying on the basis of references from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation are admitted in term defined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
Admission of foreign citizens for student spaces financed at the expense of appropriate budget under the contracts on rendering paid educational services by individuals or legal entities is made in order and in term defined in Section 3 of the present Regulations.
More detailed information you can get on official web-page of the University – http://www.cfuv.ru