Division Head
Olga Karchevskaya
- Division of Development of Innovative Projects, Platforms and Laboratories;
- Division of Medical Innovations;
- Division of Commercialization of Innovative Projects and Scientific Development
Office activities
- Development of University’s innovative potential and increase of efficency interaction with real economic sector;
- Creation of an effective system of commercialization and University’s intellectual activity results transfer for investments attraction for developing and creation of new high-technological works;
- Organization of access to information, intellectual, technical and other resources;
- Organizational, technical, information and analytical associate of innovations commercialization;
- Increase of finance effeciency, purposed for activation of consulting services and providing commercially important information;
- Increase of objects of intellectual property amount, applied in real economic sector;
- Selection and estimation of projects with commercial potential;
- Creation of information channel for promoting intellectual property and the idea of innovative development;
- Search for industrial enterprises, interested in concrete works;
- Search for investors;
- Projects management;
- Making conditions for commercialization of scientific developments of University’s students, post-graduates and young scientists, providing with additional opportunities for participation in R&D, aimed at creation of new products and technologies for science absorbing business for new wave of businessmen production;
- Development of small enterprises in innovation sphere;
- Development of patent and marketing strategy of the University in the field of work with the results of innovative activity;
- Providing with protection of different intellectual property and “know-how”;
- Increase of the level of metrological support of scientific and innovative, research and developmental works by applying modern methods and measuring instruments.
Contact information
Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Vernadsky ave.4, room 422, building B
E-mail: kfu.innovacia@mail.ru