Office of International Affairs

Head of Office

Gevorg Gabrielian

Tel: +73 652 516 519

The Vernadsky CFU’s international activities aim to implement international programmes which promote quality training of future highly-qualified professionals for the Crimean Federal District and the Russian Federation. Our international activities enable us to attract material and human resources to reach this aim, facilitate the development of the University’s educational and research activities based on the best global practices and in accordance with up-to-date international standards, and to strengthen the University’s international standing.

In pursuit of this aim, the Office of International Affairs has the following objectives:

  • to enhance collaboration with existing international partner institutions, establish new contacts, and explore new opportunities;
  • to develop international programmes involving the University’s students, faculty, and staff that can be implemented both in Vernadsky CFU and in partner universities;
  • to promote deeper engagement of the University’s faculty and staff in international activities;
  • to facilitate international academic mobility, which includes exchange education, exchanges of students for research purposes, exchanges aimed at developing competence in intercultural communication, international educational network projects, joint educational programmes;
  • to internationalise education, and to provide support to and facilitate integration of international students of the Vernadsky CFU into campus life and the curriculum;
  • to develop and implement plans and policies that enhance the University’s global standing and position.


ul. Bespalova, 45-B
Simferopol, 295023
Tel./ Fax: +73 652 516 518