Division staff
- Oksana Sukhorukova – Chief economist
- Ekaterina Barinova – Lead economist
Division activities
- Drawing up the templates of information reports about scientific developments of subdivisions of the Department for Innovations, Investments, Information Technologies;
- Receiving information about scientific developments, projects, patents, PhD works and theses of the University;
- Information analysis, preliminary marketing research, expert estimation and taking decision about commercialization of the most perspective developments, projects patents, PhD works and theses. Presentation of sorted developments list to the vice-rector for innovations and long-term development for approval;
- Development of the strategy for intellectual property commercialization;
- Definition of sources of financing for commercialization of the selected development. Developments representation at exhibitions, competitions, etc.;
- negotiation with potential buyers;
- Preparation and support of license agreements (signing, payments control, distribution of the income, execution control of terms of the contract) together with Department of legal affairs;
- Support of the innovative projects related to the creation of a new company (with the participation of the Department of Innovation, Investment and Information Technology University);
- Organization of joint events with business representatives (seminars, conferences, round tables, meetings);
- Search and analysis of information on the technological demands of the market in the sectors related to research and innovation and investment activities of the University;
- Maintenance of information databases for the development and promotion on the market.
Contact information
Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Vernadsky ave.4, room 422, building B
E-mail: kfu.innovacia@mail.ru