Answers to the Main Questions about Coronavirus



What is coronavirus and how does one get infected?

A novel coronavirus is a respiratory virus which causes an acute respiratory virus disease. It spreads mostly through airborne droplet transmission as a result of inhaling droplets ejected from the airways of an infected person, particularly when he/she is coughing or sneezing, his/her saliva droplets or mucus ejected from his/her nose. The virus can also be transmitted when an infected person touches any soiled surface such as a door handle. In this case one gets infected when touching his/her own mouth, nose or eyes with unwashed hands.


What should I do if I have the symptoms?

If you have the symptoms, which often turn out to have been caused by the common acute respiratory virus infection, do show your awareness and consult a doctor, who should give you a medical sick-leave certificate. Don’t go to work within 14 days. If you have arrived from one of the countries hit hardest by the coronavirus or contacted anyone who has arrived from any such country or has already fallen ill, you must call the hotline to report on this or call for an ambulance and comply with quarantine.


What measures can be taken to prevent coronavirus?

The most important thing you can do to protect yourself is to observe personal hygiene rules and limit your visits to public areas and crowded places.


  • Keep your hands clean by washing them frequently with water and soap or using a disinfectant.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes with unwashed hands (people tend to touch them without being aware of doing so 15 times an hour on average).
  • When at work, make sure to regularly clean any surfaces and devices that you touch (your computer keyboard, panels of any office equipment in general use, your smartphone display, boards, door handles and handrails).
  • Make sure to always have disposable tissues and use them to cover your nose and mouth whenever you cough or sneeze.
  • Don’t eat any foods (nuts, crisps, cookies, biscuits or any other snacks) from the same dish or packaging if other people have put their fingers in it.
  • Explain to your children how microorganisms spread and why proper hygiene of their hands and face is important. Tell your children about coronavirus prevention.
  • Make sure to frequently air your room and other premises.
  • Stay at least 1 metre away when talking to your colleagues, friends and family members.


If you have any symptoms that appear to be similar to those caused by the coronavirus, stay at home and call for a doctor.


Where to get vaccinated against coronavirus?

Scientists of the Center “Vector” of Rospotrebnadzor (the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumers Protection) began research on immunogenicity by testing all developed prototype vaccines on sensitive laboratory animals including lower primates. In the course of the research, the most promising and safest prototypes will be determined that are expected to provide both a cellular and a humoral immune response. The research outcomes will specify the future vaccine formulation, dosage and the route of its administration. Scientists expect that the introduction of the vaccine will be possible in the fourth quarter of 2020.

How are people treated while waiting for test results? What kind of medicine can be taken?

The doctor prescribes treatment depending on the symptoms in accordance with Russian and international standards. Self-medication is contraindicated.

What does teleworking mean for the employer and employee?

Detailed information on shifting to teleworking can be found in the memo of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation: Prevention of COVID-19 in organizations.

If I have to stay isolated, do my family members have to stay at home too if they have not visited any dangerous countries?

No, they do not have to, if your family members have not gone abroad and you have not been diagnosed with coronavirus infection. But, if possible, it is better to refrain from contacts with relatives for the period of quarantine and stay in a separate room. The risk of infection of family members is also reduced if you follow basic hygiene requirements – use a mask, personalized utensils, hygienic stuff, linen and towels, wash your hands often and use skin antiseptics and regularly air the premises.

What measures should be taken after being discharged from hospital?

After being discharged, you must follow the same measures as other healthy people do to prevent viral infections: avoid huge crowds, wash your hands regularly.

Can I cross the Russian border in view of COVID-19?

All checkpoints across the Russian border implement an enhanced double check-up of persons arriving from disadvantaged regions and use stationary and portable thermal imaging equipment to control their state of health.

The passage of foreign citizens through the land borders of Russia with Poland and Norway is currently suspended. For Russians, the borders of these states are closed as well. The borders of Russia with Belarus and Georgia are also impossible to cross.

In addition, Russian citizens are prohibited to cross the borders of Georgia with Armenia and Azerbaijan. For Georgian citizens who want to return to their country from Russia, these restrictions are not applied.

A separate terminal has been allocated and prepared at the Moscow Sheremetyevo Airport. Medical supervision of passengers arriving from countries with an unfavorable epidemic situation is organized there, besides, all passengers fill in questionnaires and get under medical supervision at their permanent place of residence.

All citizens displaying symptoms of acute respiratory infections (ARVI) who have arrived from disadvantaged countries are isolated, hospitalized and examined for the entire list of possible pathogens of ARVI including a new coronavirus infection.


How is the disease diagnosed?

By means of gathering and further assessment of complaints, history taking, epidemiological history, medical examination.

Further – as directed by the doctor:

  • Specific laboratory diagnostics (detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA by PCR);
  • General laboratory diagnostics (clinical blood test, biochemical blood test, etc.);
  • Instrumental diagnostics.

The research materials are:

  • principal – nasal and pharyngeal swab;
  • additional – testing of bronchial lavage water, (endo)tracheal, nasopharyngeal aspirate, sputum, biopsy or autopsy lung material, whole blood, blood serum, urine, feces.