The Online Study Mode – Natalya Sayenko, the Associate Professor of Agrotechnological Academy of the Crimean Federal University



Natalya Sayenko teaches animal physiology and etology at the Agrotechnological Academy of the Crimean Federal University. With the online mode elements in education she is already acquainted, but it is the first time the has come across the need to fully shift the process into such a mode. In her work the lecturer uses different platforms, for example, the social network “VKontakte,” where the necessary materials are uploaded, cases are solved and discussed. Natalya Sayenko has made a high-quality evaluation system, for example, colloquiums are held individually by video communication, what allows to assess each student’s knowledge. Also she regularly holds testing on the TestWizard and Online Test Pad platforms.

If theoretical work is already adjusted, the practical part of studying raises questions, because for a veterinarian student it is important to get skills of work with animals. Now lecturers are uploading their own videos as spectacular examples, but it is not enough to gain the necessary skills.

According to Natalya Sayenko, after the transition to the usual format the mastering of practical skills will be paid special attention to. She notes that there will be no negative consequences, on the contrary, classical education will be supplemented by new forms of work.

Olga Yakimenko

Press Service of the Crimean Federal University