
Online Study Mode – Mariya Ryabova, the Senior Lecturer of the Academy of Construction and Architecture of the CFU



The Senior Lecturer of the Department of Urban Planning of the Crimean Federal University Mariya Ryabova uses the social network VKontakte as part of the online study mode to teach students computer and urban design. Materials for learning are uploaded into specially created groups, where in real-time mode students are being consulted. Among the advantages of the new format are students’ increased attendance, demonstration of spectacular example and exchange of experience. Read more

The Online Study Mode – Natalya Sayenko, the Associate Professor of Agrotechnological Academy of the Crimean Federal University



Natalya Sayenko teaches animal physiology and etology at the Agrotechnological Academy of the Crimean Federal University. With the online mode elements in education she is already acquainted, but it is the first time the has come across the need to fully shift the process into such a mode. In her work the lecturer uses different platforms, for example, the social network “VKontakte,” where the necessary materials are uploaded, cases are solved and discussed. Natalya Sayenko has made a high-quality evaluation system, for example, colloquiums are held individually by video communication, what allows to assess each student’s knowledge. Also she regularly holds testing on the TestWizard and Online Test Pad platforms. Read more

The Online Study Mode – Yuliana Shramko, the Associate Professor of the Medical Academy



The Associate Professor of the Department of General and Clinical Pathophysiology of the Medical Academy of the Crimean Federal University Yuliana Shramko uses the social network “VKontakte” within the framework of the online study mode, where students receive information and fulfil their tasks, as well as Eduardo platform, where knowledge is checked by testing. The lecturer notes that this format of work is a good complement to classical education, but cannot replace it, especially in teaching medical students. Read more

The associate professor Elzara Koikova uses various platforms, messengers and even applications in her work



Online study mode for most structural units of the Crimean Federal University has not become something unusual. Many lecturers have been trying to apply state-of-the-art digital technologies in their practice for more than a year. Thus, at the Department of Pedagogical Excellence of Elementary School Teachers and Teachers of Pre-School Institutions of the Institute of Pedagogy, Psychology and Inclusive Education of the Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy in the World Wide Web used to work only with extramural students. But the pandemic has made its adjustments, and the experience has been extended to all students. Read more

Online study mode – Maxim Kriventsov, doctor of medical sciences of the Medical academy of the Crimean federal university


“Online study mode has become a challenge, but not a problem”, says Maxim Kriventsov, the Head of the Department of Pathological Anatomy with an autopsy course. Employees of the department for their work in the network not for the first year apply several different platforms at once. So doctors have their own department site, where everyone has the opportunity to use a virtual microscope and to explore scanned preparations. For live online communication in the teacher-student mode there are successfully used the “Discord” platform and online broadcasting “VKontakte”. In addition, the own YouTube channel is actively being developed. Already more than 3500 thousand subscribers watch regularly updated videos devoted to the basic issues of pathomorphology. Read more

Online study mode – Eldar Mennanov, senior lecturer of the academy of construction and architecture of the Crimean federal university



The senior lecturer of the Department of Urban Planning of the Academy of Construction and Architecture Eldar Mennanov is sure that “choosing a platform for work in the online study mode system, each teacher should rely on the specifics of his or her subject”. He has been teaching his architect students the BIM programs for more than 20 years. For such a long period of time both lectures and practical classes has been made ideal. Read more