
The online study mode – Victor Voitiskiy. Associate professor of Taurida academy of the Crimean Federal University



It is any teacher’s holy duty to convey knowledge to the student regardless of all external factors. Even now, during the raging pandemic, a real teacher will find strength and opportunities to continue his work. This is what is being done by Victor Voitsky, Associate Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis of the Taurida Academy. For his lectures and practical classes he has purchased two boards to write on with a marker pen and has started to use a home videocamera with a tripod. Read more

Foreign Students During Self-Isolation Regime


Due to the spread of coronavirus infection in the territory of the Russian Federation, the students of the Crimean Federal University have switched to the regime of self-isolation. The Press Service of the Crimean Federal University has learned about the days of foreign students’ self-isolation. Read more

Football in standby mode



Until June 1 all the matches of the national student football league are stopped due to the coronavirus pandemic. But it doesn’t prevent the combined team of the Crimean Federal University to continue trainings. How football players under conditions of self-isolation are preparing for matches and what awaits the national student league in the future further in the video. Read more

Myths and Erroneous Ideas



Are antibiotics effective against the new coronavirus infection?

No. Antibiotics do not work against viruses. They are only used to treat bacterial infections. The new coronavirus is a virus, so antibiotics should not be used for its prophylaxis and treatment. Nevertheless, antibiotics can be prescribed to patients admitted to hospitals to treat second bacterial infections. Read more